a solvable problem

intergenerational +
historical trauma
accidents +
natural disasters
war + group violence
physical +
emotional abuse
racism +
systemic oppression
abuse + neglect
sexual violence

violence takes many forms,
healing does too
When lives are interrupted by the traumatic effects of intimate violence, survivors deserve support. Support from our friends and family, support from law makers and health care providers, support from spiritual leaders and trusted confidants, counselors and healers. Just like our unique experiences as survivors are varied and vast, so are our subsequent needs and healing journeys.

Crisis intervention accomplishes the work of only the first stage of recovery. The tasks of the later stages require a more prolonged course of time. Though the survivor may make a rapid and dramatic return to the appearance of normal functioning, this symptomatic stabilization should not be mistaken for full recovery, for the integration of the trauma has not been accomplished.
- Judith Herman, M. D., Trauma and Recovery
long term solutions for long term repercussions
The services currently available to survivors are invaluable, necessary and powerful. From crisis lines to first responders, legal advisors and local agencies, there are people here to help.
But as time goes on the landscape of available resources and support systems begins to dwindle. Some victims will be deterred by the nature of these resources, feeling that they will lose their voice in the process of involving others. Many victims will fall through the accessibility crack, never finding their way to these resources to begin with. And while most services seek to address the immediate violation and it's effects, they aren't always oriented to the long term repercussions of intimate trauma.

We know that sexual assault is the most under reported and under prosecuted of all violent crimes. The boundaries to disclosure, report and seek support abound, exposing the most vulnerable populations of victims to the least access.

what we're here to do

The public discourse about intimate violence isn't always as informed as it could be. For a victim, this can mean being re-traumatized as they share their experience with the people in their lives and communities.
Healing Courage centers the wisdom of survivors to inform and redefine our collective approaches to healing and justice and imagine human and healing-centered alternatives and systems that meet the diverse needs of survivors, those who harm, and the communities that are impacted.
Our learning and healing framework - Consentric Circles - centers survivor wisdom, cultivates connection, and drives policy change through community collaboration, media, and trainings. Our transformative conversations are designed to repair harm and address the systemic injustices and inequities in our criminal legal system. In challenging myths and transforming our understanding of sexual harm, we design solutions and policies to prevent it.
In order to facilitate healing, we need solutions that recognize and understand the dynamic nature of intimate trauma, and repair the violations that occur in each sphere of our lives. From deep, internal personal work to our community’s acknowledgement and validation of the harm done to us, we need wholistic thinking and systemic solutions about this winding road of recovery.

community conversations
research & policy
Through survivor-informed and led community conversations with survivors, community members, decision-makers, and those who've harmed, we deepen our understanding of sexual harm, reimagine healing and justice, and transform our conditioned and cultural responses to sexual and intimate violence.
We need more trauma sensitive research for data driven policy making, focused on the root causes of violence with a goal of lowering the numbers of assault and reducing the rate of recidivism.
We need better education around trauma, and the repercussions - what it does not just to our bodies, but to our hearts, minds, relationships and communities - so that we as a culture can address this disparity and greet new survivors with compassion and care, understanding and support.
We learn in community.
We heal in the presence of others.
HC is a growing collective of survivors designing innovative survivor-centered, informed and led approaches and alternatives to the criminal legal system. We are transforming a system that was not designed for - or by - survivors.
We aim to address these needs,
to approach the problem from every angle,
and to fill in the holes that the current system leaves behind.
Because survivors deserve more.
They deserve to heal.
They deserve to thrive.
Become a part of the solution.
Become a participant.
Become a partner.
Become a patron.